Filling the Southern Hemisphere's Judaica Needs
Shlumi Eli - Treasure Island Part 1

Shlumi Eli - Treasure Island Part 1

Adventures with Shlumi Eli - Treasure Island Part 1: The Map

A riveting adventure of hospitality, faith, and a pirate's chest

All Shlumi Eli wants to do is hachnasas orchim in his inn, Avraham’s Tent, on top of a remote hilltop, along with his goat, Petrushka. He doesn’t have much, but he’s happy just to remind people that Hashem loves them — until a visit by a lone traveler brings him face-to-face with pirates, danger, and a mysterious treasure map.

The first volume of a thrilling trilogy, Treasure Island entertains while promoting the core values of chesed and bitachon. Your children will love the heart-stopping journey with Shlumi Eli as he faces his challenges with simple emunah… and a lot of help from Hashem.

Price: $45.99
inc GST
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