Filling the Southern Hemisphere's Judaica Needs
Samarkand - Prayers in Hiding

Samarkand - Prayers in Hiding

The book in your hands is the third volume of the "Underground Samarkand" comic book series. This volume depicts the authentic experiences of the month of Tishreil in Samarkand, 'under the nose' of the KGB - with mixed feelings of great fear on the one hand and tremendous spiritual elevation on the other.

Reading the comic book, you will uncover the underground minyan that was held in utmost secrecy, the Torah scroll mistakenly identified as a dead child, Reb Berke Chein's prayers with deep heartfelt weeping, the hour-long kaparos ceremony at the end of which the prayer book was soaked with tears, the chossid who stood on his feet from the start of the fast until its end, the esrog obtained through great difficulty and was the only one available in the city, the sukkah with double walls, dancing barefoot, and the "train" of small children who brought holiday joy to adults in a fascinating manner.

Based on the memoirs of his son Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman, as described in his best-seller "Samarkand - The Underground With a Far-Reaching Impact."

Hope you enjoy!

Price: $36.99
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