Filling the Southern Hemisphere's Judaica Needs
Precious Moments with Rav Chaim

Precious Moments with Rav Chaim

How Did Rav Chaim Do It?

He made a siyum on all of Torah – Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Mishnah, Shulchan Aruch, Rambam, and many other sefarim -- EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

And he served as the “sandak” at over 50,000 (!) babies’ brissim!

And he wrote 21 sefarim!

And he answered every single letter – thousands of them – that people sent him

And he gave tens of thousands of people berachos and advice!

How did he do it? Because Rav Chaim Kanievsky – the “Sar HaTorah” -- used EVERY MOMENT OF HIS LIFE for Torah.

In this unforgettable book, we will read about many precious moments in Rav Chaim’s life – and we will enjoy fantastic pictures of those special and holy moments.

And we will discover how much we can also accomplish, if we learn to use our very own precious moments!

Price: $45.99
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