In the aftermath of World War II, a group of brave Jewish children embarks on a remarkable journey. As part of a special rescue mission called the Kindertransport, they are brought to a displaced persons camp in Tehran, on the way to Eretz Yisrael. There, the secular camp leaders try to force them away from Torah and mitzvos, but they refuse to give up. With courage and prayer, they stand up for their beliefs and fight to preserve their cherished tradition.
Join these courageous young heroes as they navigate a world filled with uncertainty. Discover the power of faith, friendship, and resilience as they fight to keep their Torah values alive. Experience their inspiring story of hope, as they show that even in the darkest times, the light of emunah can guide us toward a brighter future.
This captivating tale will take you back to an important crossroads of Jewish history, when the strength of Jewish children shaped the destiny of our nation.